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The purpose of the World Institute for Governance of Nonprofit Organizations is to address the concern on the growing number of reports on the amount of charitable funds wasted globally by reviewing, rating, educating, and vetting non-profits on their ability to govern and manage funds effectively. 


The Institute is a volunteer led-effort spearheaded by Norman Terret, a respected businessman and philanthropist who has assembled a a high-calibre international management team for the World Institute of potential non-executives who are currently dedicated volunteers, including Malcolm Boyd, founder of Third Sector Insights (South Africa). Through the activities of not only Norman Terret and Malcolm Boyd, but also the dedication and voluntary support of a number of key individuals, the World Institute is now positioned to transition from a volunteer driven organization to one of professional capacity.




Third Sector Insight is a Non-Profit Trust striving for Excellence in the Not-for-Profit Sector. It has two core focus areas:


  1. Corporate Governance in Non-profit Companies established for the public benefit

  2. Research in the Social Venture Empowerment Sector.


These two components have a confluence of interest as they both influence the ‘Third Sector’ contribution to a country’s economic growth and stability.


TSI has a network of professional associates which it engages with, focusing on the research related to the ‘Third Sector’, whilst expanding its technical understanding of Non-profit sector requirements, particularly with issues related to governance and management.




Eradicate misused funds in the non-for-profit sector and ensure that the good will of donors results in true and sustainable social impact.




By providing a solution to ineffective management of funds, through training, certification, support and consultancy, the work of the World Institute will result in more funds from donors achieving their global goals. It will also reduce administrative costs and duplicated efforts. It will empower a shift in the philanthropic sector which will result in increased funding due to increased impact and trust. During the first 5 years of its operation, to save between 1-2% of these wasted funds could represent a saving for the donor community of between $ 1.25 bn - $ 2.5 bn per annum.


​The developing world, particularly Africa, the Middle East, Latin America and Asia are increasing their populations, and face increasing infrastructure, health and education demands.


The response from Global Philanthropy has been positive and widespread; however, there is a desire to maximize impact through training, proper certification, review and overall more efficient management. There is a strong feeling of frustration that donor funds are not being used properly or managed correctly.




Norman is the Founder of the WIGNPO initiative. He serves as Chairman of an award-winning Charity, a position he has held for 12 years. He is an ex Magistrate and Honorary Consul and was President and CEO of the subsidiaries of SITA a not for profit organisation providing vital telecommunications and technology services throughout the world to the Air Transport Industry. 
He served on the main Management Board of SITA. Norman currently advises senior executives in the Non-Profit and commercial sectors.  He holds the title of Compagnon D ’Europe for services to European industry. Norman is based in London, UK. Norman is Chairman and a Director of WIGNPO COMMUNITY INTEREST COMPANY.

Humberto is a Management Consultant having spent 17 years with KPMG and more recently has spent 5 years as a Head of Advisory and Partner with PwC. He specialises in Forensics; Risk; and Fraud and amongst other qualifications is a member of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners. He is a voluntary supporter of the World Institute and has been most effective in researching the issues; preparing relevant documentation; and assessing methodology and the utilisation of digital technology. Humberto is currently based in Boston, USA, where he is an Advisory Partner with PwC, USA. Humberto is a Director of WIGNPO COMMUNITY INTEREST COMPANY.



Malcolm is passionate about bringing Good Governance to the Not for Profit sector and has spent his career training Executives and Trustees and undertaking international research. He lectures on these subjects at the University of Stellenbosch and is considered a thought leader in the sector. Malcolm is Chairman of Third Sector Insights a specialist training and research organisation on the Philanthropic and Charity sector and is appreciated as the leading provider in Africa. He serves as Deputy Chairman of World Vision South Africa. Malcolm is based in Cape Town. 


David Homan is acknowledged as a specialist in managing and developing charities and Non-Profit Foundations and trusts both in the USA and internationally. His key interests are in Governance; Fundraising; Strategic Board Growth; Diversity; and managing a tight ship with a careful eye on balancing costs and growth. For the last 12 years David has been Executive Director AICF a cultural Foundation focussed on youth. He is a trusted advisor to family foundations and individual philanthropists, including senior advisor to the Arthur Miller Foundation, Naomi Prawar Kadar Foundation, Nexus, Offsite, and ConnectorConn. David has been instrumental as a volunteer in clarifying and investigating the value of the World Institute within the sector and undertaking research regarding the need. He has provided essential information regarding the market; potential partners and collaborators; and contacts within the sector; and has been key to developing the strategy. David is based in NYC, USA. 


Sonia is the  Executive Director  of Academic Search International. ASI were the first firm in the Asia/Pacific region to work exclusively in the field of higher education, and their knowledge of this sector is unrivalled: They also provide search services and consultancy to the Non -Profit sector. Sonia has unique added value and insight and contact  in the higher education field  internationally  and WIGNPO intends to work closely with this sector both in the areas of research and in delivering Governance training. Sonia has been supportive and encouraging with the aims of WIGNPO in her private capacity as a volunteer from the start. 


Lindsey is a respected Chartered Accountant and Management Consultant (qualified with PwC London) He spent 21 years with PwC; 5 years in London; 13 years Brussels; and 3 years in Africa as a Partner. For four years up till June 2016   he was Country Leader and Advisory Partner with EY in Gabon and DRC where he focussed  on Advisory and Consulting in sub-Saharan Africa. He is currently an independant consultant and advisor to international organisations. He holds a first   class honours degree from the LSE, and is a Certified Information Systems Auditor. His experience includes advising Government and the Donor community. As a Volunteer Lindsey assists the World Institute in Planning; Financing and Methodology. Lindsey is based in London UK. Lindsey is a Director of WIGNPO COMMUNITY INTEREST COMPANY.

Maurizio is a Knight of the Italian Republic and holds a Doctorate in Strategic Science from the University of Turin, Italy. Maurizio has spent his career with NATO and the Italian military. He was the Chief of Staff at the Italian Military Academy and in that role introduced both innovative and interesting courses for students and recruited the most talented tutors and staff members. Similarly, while Academic Director at the Italian Army College he was acknowledged for his creativity in introducing new methodologies appropriate for modern and complex training. He recently retired from NATO. Maurizio is highly experienced and passionate about training matters internationally and as a volunteer with the World Institute has been suggesting various methodologies including logistics and organisation. Maurizio is based in Italy. 




Julien is currently Head of Resources & Quality at the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs of the Government of Switzerland.  In this role, he is responsible for ensuring that the economic development aid provided by the Swiss Confederation is engaged according to the government strategy and procedures. This includes evaluations of the activities on the ground, the monitoring of risk-mitigation and anti-corruption measures and due diligence processes, as well as warranting compliance with national and international standards. He is considered a specialist on matters relating to good governance, finance and proper process. As a Volunteer Julien has been active in guiding the World Institute’s activities in the field of Certification and good process. Julien is based in Berne, Switzerland.


Christian is an experienced banking professional. He has spent the last 7 years with the Commercial Bank of Qatar and prior to that spent 11 years with Standard Chartered Bank in various roles in Africa and the Middle East.  He is an Associate of the Chartered Institute of Bankers, Ghana (ACIB), and holds an MBA in Finance and a Master of Laws degree specialising in Governance.  Christian is a volunteer with the World Institute and brings a depth of knowledge regarding Africa and the GCC area. He is currently based in Doha, Qatar. 



WIGNPO LIMITED is a private limited company incorporated in England and Wales. Company number 10865422.


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